Jumat, 24 Juni 2011

Asia moves to tap oil reserves (Reuters)

TOKYO (Reuters)-Asian Nations moved to release emergency oil stocks on Friday as part of a rare global action coordinated by consumer countries to prevent high energy prices of the wonderful a stuttering economic recovery.

The move, led by Washington and criticized by the oil industry as an unnecessary distortion of markets, suggests a fundamental change in the industrialized nations to intervene in the markets of raw materials as an instrument of economic policy.

Brent oil prices cutting back up on Friday after tumbling to a four-month closing low on Thursday, reflecting doubts that the unexpected decision by the International Energy Agency of 60 million barrels to release during the next month would have a long-term impact.

Japanese economy Minister Kaoru Yosano said the move was a warning to speculative buyers, but oil Minister s. Jaipal Reddy of India questioned that the action would have an impact.

"Even if there is a slight increase in production (supply), these gains will not be available to us because of the unbridled speculation on financial markets in the world," he said. "We don't know if this (weaker oil prices) is a stable trend."

The release of Commons is only the third in the history of the Agency which was established as a counter weight exporting Group OPEC 37 years.

Asian IEA members, Japan and Korea has said that next week will begin releasing the oil reserves in line with the objectives of the Agency.

Japan will cut the reserve requirement for oil companies from 7.9 million barrels over the next 30 days and South Korea will release 3.46 million barrels, which together provide approximately 19 percent of the target of the IEA.

Australia and New Zealand, the remaining members of the Asia-Pacific region, are participating.

The news follows a group of 20 agreement, struck in Paris on Thursday, transparency and coordination of the food market policy to tackle soaring food prices by boosting farm output.

The G20 deal is another sign that global policymakers are reaching beyond the traditional instruments of economic policy to sustain global growth.

The world economy, was recovering from the 2008-2009 financial and economic crisis, showed signs of losing traction in recent months and the Federal Reserve acknowledged that this week cut its forecast of growth in the world's largest economy.

The costs of raw materials of high that SAP the spending power of consumers and squeeze profit margins of producers are accused of much of the slowdown.


Industrialized Nations managed to pull their economies from the brink of depression by distribution of trillions of dollars in stimulus packages and reducing borrowing at record lows.

But that left rich economies from Japan to the United States with huge debt and some policy options if they were to weaken once again their economies.

While the release of oil was led by United States and other developed nations, booming emerging powers like China and India also are set to benefit who seek to contain stubbornly high inflation without sacrificing too much growth.

"To a certain extent, that will help you to reduce certain Asian countries facing inflation pressure and is also good news for the global economic recovery," said Gong Jialong, former President of an organ which represents the body of China's petroleum industry.

Gong and others, however, opposed the move which will increase the supply of approximately 2.5 percent currency market intervention. It's not something that could reverse a trend, but it might help prevent excessive price moves.

"The impact hoped for is not to cause a downward trend in commodity markets, but rather to prevent potential increases resulting from increased demand third quarter, said PFC energy consulting company with offices in Washington.

Seasonal demand ramps up oil in the third quarter as refineries prepare for winter in the northern hemisphere, when the peak heating according to consumption.

Another factor, suggesting that the IEA decision will impact only short-term prices is that oil is an incremental increase in demand now that many countries are turning from nuclear energy production after the crisis of Japan, said a Japanese Government official.

"Demand for fuel will increase globally with more countries able to rely on nuclear power, the more that initially had hopes."That means prices have more reason to climb over the decline, he said. He declined to be identified because he is not allowed to speak to the media.

JPMorgan Chase, however, said that even some cooling effect of prices would be a boon for the world economy.

"If our projections are made, the release of the IEA provides the equivalent of a stimulus of 140 billion dollars for consumers," it said in a statement. "The release will prove to be challenging for the global economy, particularly in the United States and emerging markets."


The IEA's decision was the culmination of a plan that President Barack Obama set in motion more than a month ago and show concern for discussion among rich Nations on the economic damage from high energy costs.

Obama drew immediate criticism from the oil industry and Republicans, who called it an inappropriate misuse of stocks that risks leaving the Government with less ammunition should a deeper crisis of supply to emerge.

Oil prices have increased 20 percent last year, pushing the prices of gasoline retailing U.S. $ 4 a gallon.

While Brent crude oil reached over $ 125 in April, has since fallen sharply. After dropping a further 6 percent on Thursday, prices are only slightly higher in mid-February, just before the Libyan conflict began.

The IEA said the action would fill shortages caused by the conflict and Libyan oil quickly get to the market while Saudi Arabia makes good on his promise to pump more oil.

The 28-nation Agency will decide whether to release more oil in a month.

The two previous releases followed by abrupt shortage caused by the first Gulf war in 1991 and by Hurricane Katrina in 2005, and the global response was swift. In this case, it was more than 3 months from the moment of Libya's exports stopped.

The United States will provide 30 million barrels from its huge-727 million barrel crude reserve, about 1.5 days of consumption of the United States, with Europe providing 30 percent in crude and refined products and the rest from OECD Nations.

(Reporting by Rie Ishiguro and Leika Kihara in Tokyo Cho Mee-young in Seoul, Rob Taylor in Canberra, his ancestor Beckford in Wellington, Simon Webb in Singapore, Lan Xin Shou and Wang to Beijing and Nidhi Verma in New Delhi; Editing by Neil Fullick)

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